Šiandien pamovajau išskrendantiems paukštukams. Kvykavo žvygavo, sukdami ratus virš mano kiemo, lyg neapsispręstų, kurioje pusėje pietūs. Po to išsirikiavo į netvarkingas šešias V raideles, ir sučiauptais snapukais, tylėdami nuplasnojo. Širdutę suspaudė bežiūrint :) M, ir šiandien prasidėjo pirmasis spalis ever, kada aš nesimokau/nestudijuoju. Keistas jausmas.
Hi Monique! :) Thank you so much for your comment :) I celebrated my birthday at restaurant with my family (Japanese with my father and Italian with my mother) and I'll go to restaurant with my friend from school next friday and I'll organise a kind of "sleep over" with my bestfriends (eat cupcakes, watching Gossip Girl, chat chat chat.. ;) )
By the way, I love so much this outfit! Your belt is absolutely lovely :)
Hi Monique! :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiThank you so much for your comment :)
I celebrated my birthday at restaurant with my family (Japanese with my father and Italian with my mother) and I'll go to restaurant with my friend from school next friday and I'll organise a kind of "sleep over" with my bestfriends (eat cupcakes, watching Gossip Girl, chat chat chat.. ;) )
By the way, I love so much this outfit! Your belt is absolutely lovely :)
Love from France :)
I like your outfit!! :)
AtsakytiPanaikintiP.s. U are welcome to check out my fashion blog anytime!thecabinetoffashion.blogspot.com